When Is the Cure Worse Than the Disease?
by Dave Hodges
Friday, April 10, 2020
When is the cure worse than the disease? We have certainly reached that point. On one hand we have a legitimate and authentic virus that is spreading across America. To those that would say that this is one gigantic hoax, you are in error and that is a foolish position. However, to those who think that you have authentic numbers, think again. I have had over a dozen conversations with doctors and nurses that are basically told that if someone did not die from gunshot, or a car accome fromcident, or were a stage four cancer victim, then they died of the Coronavirus. In fact, I had one conversation with a doctor whose patient died from kidney failure resulting from diabetes. He later discovered that the cause of death was changed to the virus!
The very best research on the virus has unquestionably come from Mike Adams and he has documented the irrefutable fact that this virus is real, it is dangerous and the velocity of the virus is far beyond the regular flu. Yet, there is the fraud factor that is unquestionably at work and of course, there are the ridiculous restrictions which have absolutely nothing to do with the transmission of the virus. There is the unreasonable restriction factor of enforcement that I have detailed all week long, and we must consider the following examples when deciding as a public how we are going to ultimately respond to this crisis in the long-term.
Of course, and without question, we have some excellent examples of extreme fraud in assigning cause of death to the virus. In Baton Rouge a dying mother gave birth to a baby that we 22 weeks premature. This baby had zero chance for survival, yet the cause of death was listed as being from the Coronavirus. Then there was despicable Governor of Connecticut who bemoaned the death of a young child from the virus only to have his parents countermand the Governor’s fake remorse by revealing that their child died from an accident at home. For the record, every case of fraudulently recording the cause of death as being from the virus, when it was obvious that it was not, occurred in a “Blue” Democratically controlled city, every single time, with not one exception! It is clear that the Democrats, across the nation, want you to hate your life, be miserable and hope that you will take out your vengeance on Donald Trump’s candidacy. They are so committed to this philosophy that they are willing to risk running America’s first dementia Presidential candidate. I am predicting that there will be no Presidential Debates, because Biden simply cannot do it as Trump would destroy him. Instead, we are already seeing a steady stream of campaign ads, that overhype the virus and blame Trump by quoting him out of context. Democratic ads which showcase Biden will be limited to one sentence phrases that will probably require a multitude of takes to get them right.
The Rest…HERE