Former GOP Rep. Ron Paul calls on Trump to fire top coronavirus adivsor Fauci because ‘he’s a fraud, doesn’t give good information and is trying to have total control over the people’

Friday, April 10, 2020
By Paul Martin

Former Texas Republican Representative Ron Paul called on the Trump administrationto fire Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation’s top coronavirus advisor
Paul said Fauci provided ‘bad information’ after he lowered his national death estimates from the outbreak Thursday from more than 100,000 to 60,000
The lower figures, however, are contingent on continued social distancing continues that would effectively slow the spread of the outbreak
Paul, speaking on his program, ‘Ron Paul Liberty Report,’ called Fauci a fraud who was using his warnings as ‘an excuse to have total control over the people’
Paul, a doctor, has called the deadly flu-like virus ‘a big hoax’. Meanwhile, his son Rand is the only member of the U.S. Senate to test positive for the infection

10 April 2020

Ron Paul called on President Donald Trump’s administration Thursday to fire Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation’s top coronavirus advisor, after he lowered the nation’s death estimates for the coronavirus.

The former Texas Republican representative accused Fauci of providing ‘bad information’ when he said Thursday that he expects about 60,000 people will die from the outbreak, down from 100,000 to 200,000, but only if social distancing continues and effectively slows the spread of the disease.

Paul, speaking on his program, ‘Ron Paul Liberty Report,’ unleashed his criticism on Fauci, saying he was using the virus as an excuse to get ‘total control’ of the American people.

‘He should be fired, but if you don’t do it in the literal sense, the people have to fire him,’ Paul said. ‘They have to fire him by saying ‘he’s a fraud.”

Paul, 84, who has run three presidential campaigns since 1988, is also a physician, and has previously written about ‘the coronavirus hoax.’

He expanded on his skepticism in Thursday’s program, telling viewers that the outbreak was being used by the government to infringe on the liberties of Americans.

His remarks come after his son Rand, a Kentucky Republican, became the only member of the U.S. Senate to test positive for the infection.

So far, there have been more than 436,500 confirmed cases in the U.S. of the coronavirus, which has been blamed for 15,674 deaths.

The Rest…HERE

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