Coronavirus has proven once again that the FDA is still the same hotbed of corruption it’s been for decades
by: Ethan Huff
Tuesday, April 07, 2020
Regular readers of this site already know that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) maintains questionable alliances, and typically favors its buddies in big industry over actual public health. And this is once again apparent with the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19), which the FDA has actually made worse by barring private corporations that don’t have the FDA’s permission from testing people for the virus.
While South Korea was able to get a better hold on the virus early on thanks to government emergency measures that allowed for an all hands on deck! response, the FDA here in the U.S. kept the hands of private industry tied, even as the government has struggled to keep up with testing people for the virus.
James Bovard from The Mises Institute says that the FDA turned coronavirus from a “deadly peril” into a “national catastrophe” with this failed approach, which exacerbated the spread of the virus by failing to identify new cases before they had the chance to spread.
Like the FDA did for years with medical devices, the agency’s approach to private testing for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) has been to allow only bureaucracies to handle it. Meanwhile, there aren’t enough testing kits to go around, meaning people who want to get tested, some of whom probably should get tested, can’t get tested even if they wanted to.
This FDA blockade on coronavirus testing could continue to exacerbate the pandemic and cost many more people their lives, which one could argue deserves to be tracked so that the FDA can be held accountable once all of the numbers have been crunched.
How many people are needlessly getting sick and dying because the FDA doesn’t approve of any outside, private testing for the Chinese Virus (COVID-19)? As Bovard puts it, “Should we consider those victims as martyrs for the principle of bureaucratic supremacy?”
Listen below to The Health Ranger Report as Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, talks about how World War III is soon on the horizon because of the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19):
When David Kessler became FDA commissioner back in 1990, the agency became a fear-based bully
While the FDA has been something of an obsolete monolith for decades, the agency really started to go downhill around 1990 when Dr. David Kessler became the agency’s commissioner.
It was around this time that the FDA suddenly began to intimidate the companies it was supposed to be regulating, which prompted The Washington Post at that time to state that, “What he cannot accomplish with ordinary regulation, Kessler hopes to accomplish with fear.”
Kessler had proudly announced not long into his tenure that the FDA would now be surveilling drug companies, creating a culture in which “you don’t know when or how we’ll strike” because the new FDA sought to “eliminate predictability.”
The American medical device industry suffered greatly under Kessler, who singlehandedly drove about 22 percent of the companies within this industry to pack up shop and relocate overseas. The remaining American medical device companies cut their staff by about 40 percent, while 29 percent of companies increased investment in foreign operations.
As is almost always the case at the FDA, Kessler’s heavy-handed approach wasn’t necessarily about protecting the American people against faulty medical devices. It was about pandering to select political interests, which seems to be the case once again with the Chinese Virus (COVID-19) fiasco and the FDA’s handling of it.
Because the FDA insists upon being judge, jury, and executioner for all things health-related, it’s difficult to impose emergency measures such as the ones necessitated by the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis. Thus, people are suffering and dying while the FDA is more concerned about throwing around its power than with helping to mitigate the current situation.
“The FDA’s current commissioner, Stephen Hahn, conceded last week: ‘There are always opportunities to learn from situations like this one,’” concluded Bovard. “Perhaps the clearest lesson is that it is time to track the death toll of FDA regulatory debacles.”