Something Else Big Is Going On | More Than Just COVID-19…
by Ken Jorgustin
Apr 3, 2020
There is a strong undercurrent happening in the world right now. Major “adjustments” have altered our freedoms under the guise of COVID-19 Coronavirus. But there’s more…
“Modern Throwback” (a regular here on MSB) shares the following view:
Something big is going on — some level of activity was presented to the public via General Milley during the April 1 White House Coronavirus Daily Briefing. General Milley spoke of strategic placement of our military forces — during a Coronavirus Briefing.
On the surface, it appears that the US has established military blockades to prevent any Mexican Cartel drug ‘flow’ from taking place. At present, there is a large build up of naval forces in the Caribbean and Eastern Pacific. We are being told that this military effort (named Enhanced Counter-Narcotics Operations) is to counter the Maduros regime to flood the USA with cocaine — during the Coronavirus pandemic.
General Milley said forces from both PACOM and EUCOM, along with ships from Norfolk are involved in this event.
Named ships include:
USS Detroit
USS Billings
USS Wichita
USS Indianapolis
CGC James
CGC Resolute
CGC Valiant
US Southern Command in East Pacific Ocean and Caribbean Sea:
Enforcement resources include (via ships, air, and ground):
Navy destroyers (see above list), 10 Coast Guard Cutters, Navy littoral combat ships
Helicopters on destroyers and cutters
Navy P-8 control aircraft
Air Force E3-AWACS aircraft (ISR)
Air Force E8-JSTARS aircraft (ISR)
Security Forces Assistance Brigade (SFAB*) Company
Special Operations Forces and *Security Force Assistance Brigades, along with Air Force reconnaissance aircraft.
All of this activity (and money) for counter-drug operations?????
On March 24, THREE military command teams under NORTHCOM sheltered within hardened locations in the US ( Cheyenne, RavenRock, Mt.Weather).
Military movements around the world
National Emergency order by Trump
Implementing Defense Production Act
Pentagon activating retired troops
lots more “random” actions which seem to support something “bigger”
The Rest…HERE
Let us know any new developing info on this topic please.
Thank you.