A prepper’s guide to surviving a coronavirus lockdown
by: Zoey Sky
Saturday, April 04, 2020
Coronavirus (COVID-19) continues to spread, and each day brings America closer to the possibility of a government-mandated lockdown order.
Do you have enough supplies in your survival stockpile to last a long-term lockdown? Do you have the mental fortitude to last a couple of weeks or even several months without going outside, unless it’s for groceries?
If these questions are making you panic, sit down, take a deep breath and read on to learn how you can get ready like a prepper before a lockdown.
What happens during a lockdown?
Even before the 2020 coronavirus pandemic, lockdowns have been enforced in the past to ensure control over the population ahead of or in response to a developing incident to keep the public safe.
In the case of the coronavirus pandemic, ensuring that people stay indoors whenever possible can help reduce exposure to infected patients and slow down the spread of the disease.
A lockdown means almost all private and commercial interactions grind to a halt. People are expected to stay at home for the duration of the lockdown order, with exceptions for supply runs at the store or access to health care.
The majority of businesses will also be involuntarily or voluntarily closed, but exceptions will be given for essential services, such as restaurants, groceries and hospitals.
A short-term lockdown probably won’t change your routine. However, a long-term lockdown may require significant changes in your lifestyle.
If your pantry and survival stockpile is running low, take the time to replenish your supplies while you still can. As of writing, other Americans have the same idea and worried citizens continue to clear out store shelves as they stock up on necessities like food, cleaning supplies, and, surprisingly, toilet paper.
How to prep before a lockdown
If you’re new to prepping, don’t be overwhelmed. Start by setting up the preps below to help your family get ready for a lockdown before it’s too late. When stocking up on supplies, you need to have enough for at least several weeks or months.
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