BREAKING: Solano County coronavirus patient wasn’t tested for 11 days because California has virtually zero test kits… DOZENS of hospital workers exposed
by: Mike Adams
Thursday, February 27, 2020
We are now learning that the very scenario we warned about has come true. A woman in California, in Solano County, is now in critical condition after testing positive for the coronavirus. More shockingly, the woman was not tested for 11 days due to the fact that California has virtually zero test kits because the CDC has failed to provide them.
This means an infected coronavirus patient was walking around California and interacting with potentially dozens of health care workers while she was spreading the coronavirus, completely undetected because there are no test kits available.
“This patient was transferred to us from another Northern California hospital,” stated UC Davis Health in a newsroom press release:
We requested COVID-19 testing by the CDC, since neither Sacramento County nor CDPH is doing testing for coronavirus at this time. Since the patient did not fit the existing CDC criteria for COVID-19, a test was not immediately administered.
This is exactly as I have been warning all this time: Since the patient did not fit the CDC “flow chart” for testing people, she wasn’t tested for 11 days. The CDC flow chart prohibits the testing of people who haven’t traveled to China and who don’t know they’ve been near anyone who has tested positive for the coronavirus:
In other words, just like I’ve been saying this whole time, the CDC’s own testing protocols actually prohibit any detection of a coronavirus outbreak in the USA.
The CDC, in other words, has deliberately created guidelines for testing that prohibit many infected people from being tested, resulting in an accelerating spread of the epidemic in America. Is this all by design?
I’ve been warning about this exact scenario for over a week… no one listened, and most people still don’t understand what just happened
For at least the past week, I have been one of the very few independent journalists who has been sounding the alarm over the near-total lack of test kits in the United States, emphasizing the fact that should be obvious (but isn’t, to many): You can’t detect community outbreaks if you have no coronavirus test kits.
Thus, when the CDC claims they have “no evidence of community outbreaks,” what they really mean is that there are no test kits available that could even theoretically find such evidence.
This seemingly simple point escapes almost everyone. People are in a strange state of denial, somehow believing that if no infections are reported, then no infections are taking place.
Even right now, radio hosts like Rush Limbaugh apparently have no idea that almost no one in America is currently being tested, even as people are obviously spreading the disease through hospitals and who knows where else.
How many dead people will it take before anyone finally recognizes what I’ve been saying for over a week now?
The entire state of California has only 200 test kits and has tested almost no one for the coronavirus, exactly like we’ve been warning
California Governor Newsom said today that California only has 200 test kits. For the entire state. He said, “This is simply inadequate to do the type of testing that is required to address this issue head on,” which of course is the same obvious point I’ve been making for days.
“But there are no immediate plans to test the general population in Solano County, the home of the sick patient, the nation’s first apparent case of coronavirus infection from an unknown source,” says The Reporter.
That’s because there still aren’t any test kits available from the CDC. All this talk about “expanding surveillance” is complete nonsense when there’s no way to conduct coronavirus tests.
About an hour ago, just posted a new chart on the right column, indicating the number of people who have been tested in each U.S. state. As you can see from the current list there, nearly all states have tested zero people for the coronavirus.