The Global Economy Was Sinking Long Before The Coronavirus Appeared
Brandon Smith
Wednesday, 26 February 2020
In order to determine if a geopolitical or economic threat is legitimate, I find it helps to watch how the mainstream propaganda narrative flows and changes. For example, for the past year as almost every fundamental indicator was flashing warning signs on the global economy the primary message in the mainstream was that central banks would never allow any major shocks to the financial system. In other words, they would pour in cash at the slightest hint of trouble. The conclusion for the investment world? To “buy the F’ing dip!” Why not? You can’t lose.
Despite the fact that fraudulent stock markets artificially inflated by corporate stock buybacks are irrelevant to the health of our system, they still represent a psychological placebo for the masses. Very few people care that it is a historic bubble; as long as everything is in the green they assume that all is well with the economy.
In the past, anyone who pointed out that this attitude was a recipe for disaster, anyone who argued that the system was breaking and the Everything Bubble was popping was called a “doom monger” or “chicken little”.
I’ve noticed very recently (in the last week) that this attack response is shifting in an interesting way. Where propaganda peddlers used to call us “paranoid”, now they argue that “our prepping or precious metals stacking won’t save us…” People are “coming to take our supplies…” they say. That’s quite a 180 degree flip flop. As preppers and alternative economists are proven more and more right everyday, the narrative has changed from telling us we’re wrong, to telling us we will be sorry for being right.
Well, I’m not sorry for being right and neither should any other liberty analyst or preparedness advocate. I believe the information we have provided to millions of people has encouraged them to remain vigilant and ready for crisis, and hopefully this will keep them alive in the future. The so-called “skeptics” seem to be determined to convince people to do absolutely nothing; to remain blind to any data that does not fit the recovery narrative and to have no backup plan in the event that something goes wrong. Why all the hostility towards the idea of simply being prepared?
Who benefits the most if you and the majority of people have no contingency plan? Who has something to gain by trying to convince you to ignore the obvious?
As mentioned, if they can’t win by conning the liberty movement into turning a blind eye to the facts, they have decided to let us know that it doesn’t matter and we will still be made to suffer for our defiance. This confirms my long-time argument that prepping is only the beginning of the fight; it is a means to an end. The real fight will be for our freedoms and the freedoms of future generations. Those who think the goal is only about survival are severely mistaken. Personal survival would be nice, but the survival of our principles and our way of life takes precedence, and this will require us to do a lot more than merely stock supplies and hide out in the woods.
I have also noted in recent days that the public narrative of globalists has also changed in a strange but rather predictable way. In past articles I have outlined instances in history when the global elites have openly admitted to the mechanics of an impending crisis right before it happens. The Bank For International Settlements did this right before the crash of 2007, warning specifically that crash of the credit bubble was imminent. Of course, what the globalists do not mention is that they are so good at predicting these events because they helped to create them in the first place.
I was amused the other day to watch an interview by Bloomberg of globalist Mohamed El-Erian in which he essentially spilled the beans on the reality of the coronavirus situation. Some people might be surprised to hear El-Erian sound a whole lot like an alternative economist in the Liberty Movement, admitting that the virus will disrupt the global supply chain and that it will have far reaching consequences for the economy for much longer than many people assume.
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