Black Voter in South Carolina Slams Biden: ‘He Feels Blacks are Going to Vote For Him Because of Obama – Don’t Put Us in a Box’ (VIDEO)

Wednesday, February 26, 2020
By Paul Martin

by Cristina Laila
February 26, 2020

Black voters in South Carolina put old Joe Biden on notice and let him know that they aren’t going to vote for him just because he was Obama’s VP.

Biden has been pandering to the black community in South Carolina and they aren’t receiving him well.

“I think Biden feels that blacks are going to vote for him just because of Obama,” a black South Carolina voter on a CNN discussion panel said.

“He thinks that’s a given. We don’t all think alike. So don’t put us in a box. I feel like that’s what Biden is doing to blacks in South Carolina,” he added.


Biden has been pandering to the black community in South Carolina since his huge losses in Iowa and New Hampshire.

In fact, Biden abruptly left New Hampshire a couple weeks ago and headed to South Carolina, a state he believed he had already locked down.

A few days ago, Biden’s campaign released an ad literally channeling Hillary Clinton in an effort to pander to the blacks in South Carolina.

“We don’t feel no ways tired, we’ve come too far,” Biden said.


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