Iran’s Copronavirus strain has an admitted 18.2% kill rate by official numbers

Saturday, February 22, 2020
By Paul Martin

It appears that SARS-CoV-2 is mutating, becoming more vigilant and deadly

By Shepard Ambellas
February 22, 2020

QOM, Iran (INTELLIHUB) — World Health Organization Director-General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus and Dr. Fahrettin Koca, the Minister of Health of the Republic of Turkey, both openly admit that 5 people have died from COVID-19 and said that a total of 18 people have been infected which places the kill rate of the disease that is currently affecting Iran at a staggering 18.2%.

“This is very concerning,” the WHO Director-General said in a press conference on Friday. “There is a case which is linked to Iran right now in Lebanon, a 45-year-old woman, and these dots are actually very concerning.”

Moreover, the Turkish Health Minister back up the numbers which confirm just how deadly the situation has become.

To boot, BBC Persia reporter Hadi Nili reveals: Turkish Minister of Health @drfahrettinkocasays his Iranian counterpart informed him that they have 758 suspected cases of #COVID19 coronavirus, 18 have been confirmed positive, 5 have died.”

Parts of Iran are currently under martial law due to the outbreak.

To top it all off, the WHO has been lying. We are already in a Level 6 pandemic according to the WHO’s own guidelines.

Not to mention, the United States has already activated Continuity of Government plans along with mass casualty and pandemic preparedness plans on federal, state, and local levels.


A valid point… @eatmyshorts on Twitter posted the following comment based on this very article:

Say what!!! A new strain with a fatality rate of 18.5% and WHO are agreeing!!!! Over 18people in 100 hundred will die?

Perhaps its been that all along. It would seem so with how China has been struggling to get rid of bodies.

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