Virginia House Passes Bill Banning Sale of “Assault Weapons” – 3 Democrats Vote NO
February 12, 2020
Virginia – -( Tuesday, the Virginia House of Delegates passed HB 961, Governor Northam’s ban on so-called “assault weapons”, standard capacity magazines and suppressors.
Three Democrats voted no – Delegates Carter, Heretick, and Tyler. Please contact them and thank them for voting no on this unconstitutional bill.
Delegate Kelly K. Convirs-Fowler did not vote. This vote now heads to the Senate. VSSA is concentrating on Senators Lewis, Petersen, Deeds and Edwards to help defeat this bill. Three of those are members of Senate Judiciary. If it is reported from Senate Judiciary, only two of those are needed to defeat the bill on the floor. Please contact them and politely ask them to vote oppose HB961. If you use AR-15 or similar rifles in competition, please share that information with the Senators and let them know. If you are not a competitive shooter, and would like some information that can be helpful in contacting your Senator, you can find some great information that you can use in your emails by clicking here.
Also passing today was HB264. HB264 started out as a bill that would remove the ability to take an online course to complete the required training to apply for a Concealed Handgun Permit (CHP). As reported out of committee, however, it ends up making it difficult to complete the training even in person as the bill struck language that made it clear that NRA Certified Training is acceptable, and instead states that training must be from a state-certified trainer. Democrat Roslyn Tyler voted no. Please contact Delegate Tyler and thank her for her vote.
Other bills that passed the House today are:
HB600 Family day homes; storage of firearms. This bill requires family day homes (in-home childcare etc) to have firearms unloaded and ammunition locked up separately when in operation. 54-45 (Delegate Tyler voted no)
HB1288 Firearms; purchase, possession, etc., following two or more misdemeanor convictions. 52-47 (Delegates Tyler and Price voted no)
HB1499 Virginia Gun Violence Intervention and Prevention Fund; created. Reported 8-0 (The Senate version of this bill was amended to remove the reference to guns) 68-31
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