Attorney General William Barr warns he will impose SANCTIONS on sanctuary cities in a ‘significant escalation’ against their obstruction of US immigration laws

Tuesday, February 11, 2020
By Paul Martin

US Attorney General William Bar announced he was piling on new sanctions against sanctuary cities on Monday
The sanctions are what Barr called a ‘significant escalation’ of measures being taken against local and state governments that obstruct US immigration laws
New Jersey and King County, Washington, home to Seattle, are being sued over policies that have offered protections to immigrants illegally in the US
Barr said the sanctuary city policies are designed to allow ‘criminal aliens to escape’, and charged communities were sheltering those who have broken laws

11 February 2020

US Attorney General William Barr said the Trump administration will start piling on sanctions on sanctuary cities in what he called a ‘significant escalation’ against policies that have protected immigrants who are illegally in the states.

Declaring that law enforcement officers are being ‘put in harm’s way by these ideologically driven policies,’ Barr announced lawsuits against New Jersey and King County in Washington state, home to Seattle, over immigration policies that offer protections to immigrants who are in the US illegally.

‘Let us state the reality upfront and as clearly as possible,’ Barr said to an audience of officers at the National Sheriffs´ Association Winter Legislative and Technology Conference in Washington on Monday.

‘When we are talking about sanctuary cities, we are talking about policies that are designed to allow criminal aliens to escape. These policies are not about people who came to our country illegally but have otherwise been peaceful and productive members of society,’ he explained.

‘Their express purpose is to shelter aliens whom local law enforcement has already arrested for other crimes. This is neither lawful nor sensible.’

His remarks coincided with legal action being taken against New Jersey, which is being sued by the Justice Department for violating federal law by prohibiting state and local law enforcement from sharing information about inmates who are undocumented immigrants.

The Rest…HERE

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