The FEMA Medical Martial Law Camp Warnings From Celeste Solum and Dave Hodges Are Now a Reality!!!
by Dave Hodges
Monday, February 10, 2020
In a recent interview with Paul Preston, we both lamented the fact that many of our published and broadcasted warnings fell on deaf ears and only now, approximately five years later, are seeing our warnings in so many different domains coming to fruition.
Once case in point as I was writing for the CSS website, I warned that Medical FEMA Camps were coming. I also identified these plans back over 5 years ago in October of 2014. I repeated that warning 15 times since that first article appeared in October of 2014. Many scoffed, many laughed, but the many better hadn’t cough, or they may lose their freedom forever as well as their lives. Well, these warnings have finally been realized.
The state Department of Health coordinated with the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have formally contracted to use Washington State Patrol’s fire training academy off I-90 in North Bend as a newly created quarantine facility.The facility is already open for business because the Sea-Tac Airport passengers who spent time in the Hubei province in China where the outbreak started will be placed under quarantine at the facility.
The Rest…HERE
No one but Antfagita is going to any “camp!”
“ONE” other thing NO ONE thought of : What if … China unleashed this to have an excuse to kill all non conformists ? All those with low “social scores” on their new tyrannical system ? See ? They’ve identified exactly who they are. Then they arrest them all at their house and send them to contaminated camps. They don’t care if a few million others have to die too.
By the way … what if a factory worker in China sneezed on that toaster you just bought at Walmart last week as it was being boxed up ????????????????????
When I go to your sponsored site, I am warned it is an unsafe site.