JUDGEMENT DAY: Today is the day that new infections in China should approach zero if the Wuhan quarantine is working
by: Mike Adams
Sunday, February 09, 2020
Today is Feb. 9th, and it’s now 15 days after the communist Chinese government first enacted a quarantine in Wuhan to halt the spread of the coronavirus. If that quarantine is working, we should see no new infections out of China from this day forward.
Over the last two weeks, coronavirus infections have been growing exponentially, now achieving an alarming, exponential growth rate approaching 20% per day (a rate which cannot be sustained, so we should expect it to fall no matter what).
All this time, we’ve been told by the mainstream media that the world’s health authorities “have it all under control” and that there’s zero risk of the virus breaking containment and replicating out of control. Starting today, there will be mathematical proof of either the validity or fault of such claims. If coronavirus infections continue to climb from today forward, then the virus has broken out of the Wuhan quarantine and is replicating beyond that original theater. However, if the number of infections halts today, showing no increases in the days ahead, then the world can rest easy that the outbreak has been contained and is truly under control.
Right now, the “official” number of coronavirus infections is 37,580 with 813 deaths. New numbers are expected in a few hours. If the new numbers are higher, then it means the virus is continuing to spread.
Five Britons infected at ski resort in France, by an individual who has nothing to do with China or Wuhan
The big news from this weekend is that five British nationals were infected with the coronavirus while touring a ski resort in France. They shared a chalet with a British man who had visited Singapore from Jan. 20 to Jan. 23, according to media reports.
That man got infected in Singapore, then flew to France, staying in a chalet in Contamines-Montjoie, where he inadvertently exposed others to the virus. Now, five people are infected, and tourist destinations appear to be where the virus is spreading the fastest (cruise ships, ski resorts, airplanes, etc.).
The cruise ship docked near Japan now reports at least 64 infected people, and it’s being reported from Liberty Times Net in Taiwan that “100 people on board have symptoms such as fever.” (See Japan news source from The Sankei News site.)
The reason for this is simple: The air on cruise ships is recirculated across all passengers rooms. They are sharing the same air, and since the coronavirus is airborne, sooner or later everyone on the ship is going to be exposed to the virus. The cruise ship operators, the media and health authorities all appear to be utterly oblivious to this rather obvious fact.
Thus, cruise ships are the “super spreaders” of this virus. Yet the entire U.S. media continues to tell people everything’s under control, so people are departing on cruises right now, oblivious to the fact that they are boarding floating quarantine prison camps which may actually become their tombs.
The media cover-up and Big Tech censorship is only making the pandemic spread faster
That’s the complicity of the lying left-wing media and how it’s helping spread the virus. By refusing to tell the public the truth about this pandemic and how it’s spreading through cruise ships, gymnasium and ski resorts, the media is actually helping the virus spread and kill more people.
The tech giants are part of the conspiracy, too, as YouTube is now completely banning entire channels when any video on that channel covers the coronavirus pandemic. It’s a total Big Tech blackout and a coordinated media blackout, all to protect communist China from losing face over this global catastrophe that they caused by developing deadly bioweapons in BSL-4 labs that have insufficient containment protocols.
It’s like Big Tech and Big Media are literally rooting for the virus. Then again, they probably are, considering that they all think human depopulation is a wonderful idea, which is why they also push infanticide (abortion), euthanasia and vaccines that cause infertility.
I’m still in the mindset of believing none of what I hear and half of what I see.
I think the virus is already here in the U.S. and spreading faster than what the government and news media is disclosing. Bill Gates, Ted Turner and all the rest of those pieces of shit, finally are getting their wish. Hooray for the Georgia guide stones! 500,000,000 is well on its way. I hope those responsible all rot in hell.