Study says 105,000 Chinese people were infected with coronavirus as of January 29th…(Bet It’s 10x)
by: Ethan Huff
Friday, February 07, 2020
udy estimates that the number of people infected with coronavirus in Wuhan as of January 29 is more than 105,000, which is about four times the number reported on that same date by communist Chinese officials.
On January 22, the study notes, there were just under 15,000 officially reported cases of coronavirus in Wuhan, with just over 21,000 total infections since the start of the year. But its seven-day prediction beyond that put that number well into the six-digits.
“Should the transmission continue at the same rate in Wuhan, with no control or change in the behavior of individuals (such as spontaneous social distancing) our model predicts that on 29 January the epidemic in Wuhan will be substantially larger, with 594 cases expected to be detected on that day in Wuhan … and 105077 currently infected,” the study notes.
Keep in mind that this 105,077 figure is an estimate exclusive to Wuhan, and doesn’t account for cases in other areas of China, nor does it include the handful-and-growing number of cases outside of China.
“If transmission has reduced, either through control or spontaneous public response to this epidemic, this will be a gross overestimate, though it may be useful to help gauge the effectiveness of interventions,” the study goes on to explain.
Be sure to check out the episode of The Health Ranger Report below in which Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, discusses how he once predicted a global pandemic like the one we’re now witnessing with novel coronavirus:
If novel coronavirus is no big deal, then why did the WHO just send out 250,000 test kits to sites around the world?
Now that the World Health Organization (WHO) has sent out 250,000 coronavirus test kits, it would seem as though public health authorities, including those who were previously in denial about the severity of this global emergency, are also of the persuasion that the infection rate is substantially higher than what’s being officially reported.
The numbers simply don’t add up any other way, and we already well know that the communist Chinese government is trying to keep a lid on anything other than the official story getting out there. We’re all just supposed to ignore the fact that Chinese doctors are being silenced while video proof that coronavirus is much more serious than authorities are letting on is scrubbed from the internet with the help of Big Tech.
This whole situation reeks of a coverup, including in our own government and media which appear to be siding with communist China and Big Tech in trying to stamp out “misinformation” and “rumors” about the outbreak from spreading online.
“We are still in the early days of this outbreak and there is much uncertainty in both the scale of the outbreak, as well as key epidemiological information regarding transmission,” the study concludes towards the end.
“However, the rapidity of the growth of cases since the recognition of the outbreak is much greater than that observed in outbreaks of either SARS or MERS-CoV. This is consistent with our broadly higher estimates of the reproductive number for this outbreak compared to these other emergent coronaviruses, suggesting that containment or control of this pathogen may be substantially more difficult.”