W.H.O. Secretary-General says western nations are withholding coronavirus outbreak data; Mainstream media blacklists the news to keep the public in the dark as the pandemic spreads
by: Mike Adams
Wednesday, February 05, 2020
The news reported here has apparently been blacklisted everywhere across the U.S. and U.K. media. It is further evidence that a massive, globally-coordinated cover-up is being run by western nations (not just China) in an effort to lie to the public about the true size of the pandemic in nations beyond mainland China.
Here’s the news: The Secretary-General of the W.H.O., Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, said last night that wealthy nations of the world — i.e. western nations — are refusing to share data on coronavirus outbreaks. He said that the W.H.O. has only “received complete case report forms for only 38 percent” of the known cases so far, essentially implying that western nations are less transparent than China when it comes to reporting the true number of coronavirus infections.
This is being covered in Asian news sources such as Liberty Times Net, who covered the story at this link. So far, there appears to be zero coverage of this news in the U.S. or U.K. media, obviously pointing to a coordinated cover-up. (The CIA has ordered all U.S. mainstream media organizations to lie about the pandemic, just as the communist Chinese government has ordered its local media to push propaganda.)
Additional details from LTN, translated from Chinese into English, reveal that the W.H.O. is calling on world countries to drop all travel restrictions against China and allow (infected) Chinese to freely enter all nations, obviously to spread the pandemic far and wide. From the story (translated):
Some people questioned that China concealed the report when the case came out, which made the epidemic out of control. However, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, secretary-general of the World Health Organization (WHO), criticized rich countries for failing to fulfill their obligation to share epidemic outbreak information.
In addition to calling on the international community not to restrict tourism and trade due to the epidemic, the Secretary-General also praised China for taking major measures…
That’s right: According to the WHO, China is the honest country, while everybody else is lying. It doesn’t get more insane.
Coronavirus infections spreading outside China as infections, deaths mount
Coronavirus infections are rapidly rising in Thailand, Singapore and Malaysia. Nearby, a cruise ship with 3,711 people was found by Japanese authorities to be contaminated, with 10 passengers (so far) testing positive for the coronavirus. This means nearly everyone on board has been exposed.
In mainland China, the pandemic is rapidly expanding to the point where now even Nanjing is being shuttered, and new infections are getting closer to Shanghai, the military and industrial hub of Eastern China.
Zero Hedge is now reporting that the actual number of coronavirus infections and deaths in China may be 154,000 and 24,500, respectively, based on what appear to be “leaked” statistics that were quickly corrected to roughly 1/10th those numbers. Officially, the coronavirus has infected 24,500 people and killed nearly 500, if you believe that governments don’t lie.
Meanwhile, the tech giants are protecting communist China by banning and censoring all information that questions the official narrative about this exploding pandemic.
The Rest…HERE