What Is Coming Is No Longer Coming, It Is Already Here! This “HOMELAND” Defender Tells Amerika How to Survive In the New Reality…(Must Listen!!!)

Saturday, November 16, 2019
By Paul Martin

by Dave Hodges
Saturday, November 16, 2019

What Is Coming Is No Longer Coming, It Is Already Here
Steve Quayle

I recently interviewed a man who, as a federal law enforcement officer, is a defender of America’s “Homeland”. He was very succinct on how America fell and who and what is to blame. On a more tell note, this knowledgeable insider, this “Homeland” defender, tells America what we all must individually do to survive what is happening and what is still yet to come.

The people that have heard this interview collectively stated that this interview is disconcernting, but necessary if one hopes to do what is necessary to survive. This interview provides a rare glimpse from the perspective of someone who is on the “inside”.

I would highly recommend sharing this far and wide because to do so will very likely save lives in this Part One of a two part series.

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