Joe diGenova on Mornings on the Mall: Whistleblower Eric Ciaramella Is John Wilkes Booth – He Is Part of a Political Assassination (AUDIO)

Monday, November 11, 2019
By Paul Martin

by Jim Hoft
November 11, 2019

Former US Attorney Joe diGenova joined Mornings on the Mall with Mary Walter and Vince Coglianese on Veteran’s Day to discuss the ongoing Democratic coup in Washington DC.

Joe was asked about the Democrat Party’s decision to deny Republican request for Hunter Biden to come testify before Congress on his pay-for-play scandals with Ukraine and China. The former vice president’s son pocketed over a billion dollars from foreign governments during his father’s tenure as VP. Hunter Biden even famously traveled with his father to China where he made an historic deal with the communist regime of over one billion dollars.

Democrats will not allow Hunter Biden to testify in their sham impeachment show trials.

Joe diGenova went on to mention the anti-Trump CIA leaker Eric Ciaramella: This is a political assassintion, this is a decapitation of a president. This is regicide. This has nothing to do with the legal processes of the US Constitution. Exhibit A: They don’t want us to identify the the key person who made the accusation who started the impeachment process, the guy Eric Chiaramella. … The whistleblower/ anonymous informant his name is as follows: John Wilkes Booth. He worked at the CIA and he is part of a political assassination. It’s all under way and that’s what all of your listeners should know that that’s what this is all about. This is a fraud on the Constitution and fraud on the American public. The Democrats are complicit with the media on this regicide.

Vince Coglianese brought up the tech giants playing politics and removing Ciaramella’s name from their platforms. DiGenova compared this to Pravda in the Soviet Union. “Every time I hear Zuckerberg defend himself I want to slap the little SOB right across the face.”

Joe diGenova was on during the 8 AM hour.

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