The term “social justice” is a dog whistle for left-wing communists whose goal is total anarchy, then revolution

Sunday, September 22, 2019
By Paul Martin

by: Ethan Huff
Sunday, September 22, 2019

The rise of far-left “anti-fascism,” or what has come to be known as Antifa, and its corresponding “social justice” agenda has absolutely nothing to do with fighting fascism or creating a just society as these words and titles suggest.

Instead of fighting fascism, Antifa is actually spreading it, using “social justice” as a rhetorical cover to usher in a system of communist despotism, first through violent anarchy, then with total revolution.

Despite what the mainstream media and leftist politicians would have us all believe, fascism isn’t a problem on the “right.” Unless you count Antifa, there’s really no significant “Nazi” presence anywhere in the United States today, nor is “white supremacy” even a real thing.

All of these buzzwords and ideas represent nothing more than divisive propaganda that Antifa terrorists, ironically enough, are using in typical fascist fashion to impose their tyrannical agenda on the American populace.

It’s the same thing that happened in Nazi Germany under Adolph Hitler, of course, which makes Antifa the quintessential fascists in today’s America, and the real threat to Americans’ freedom and liberty.

History shows that “anti-fascists” had a dominant presence in Germany prior to World War II, maintaining their world headquarters in Berlin from 1926 to 1933. Known as Antifaschistische Akton, or Antifa, this group was directly affiliated with the Communist Party of Germany that existed from 1932 to 1933.

After the war, the legacy of this historical organization persisted, morphing into a variety of other Antifa movements that all use the same concepts and even aesthetics of the original Antifaschistische Akton, including symbols like the hammer and sickle.

Through each of its many iterations, Antifa has always been about the same thing: implementing a global communist system using fascist tactics, once again proving that Antifa always has been, and continues to be, the true fascist scourge on our planet.

“Antifa was and is primarily a global Communist movement using fascist tactics,” writes Ray DiLorenzo for Canada Free Press.

For more related news about Antifa, be sure to check out

The dictionary definition of fascism describes Antifa to a T

The Rest…HERE

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