CNN accuses conservatives of being “terrorists” on the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, proving why this anti-American propaganda network MUST be shut down
by: JD Heyes
Thursday, September 12, 2019
As tens of millions of Americans mourned the loss of nearly 3,000 fellow countrymen on the 18th anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks Wednesday, the most disgusting propaganda network ever to exist on U.S. soil took the opportunity to label more than half of our citizens “terrorists.”
Never one to be outdone with tasteless, inappropriate insults to conservatives, CNN actually accused “Right-wing” Americans — the network’s code word for conservatives, liberty lovers, Trump supporters, and constitutionalists — of being the real enemy.
“America’s 9/11 Amnesia,” the chyron below the host read — as though conservatives were responsible for killing thousands, destroying billions of dollars’ worth of real estate, and attacking the Pentagon.
“The striking similarities between the KKK and Islamist jihadis,” the host said.
CNN: Right-wingers are America’s deadliest Terrorists
— TrumpPatriot🇵🇱🇺🇸 (@TrumpPatriotPL) September 11, 2019
The implications of the segment are clear: Let’s forget about Islamic terrorists who kill every single day of the year in some part of the world, and focus instead on … the KKK.
When was the last time the KKK killed anyone in America? Oh, that’s right. It was in the 1900s, when Democrats who founded the group after the Civil War were still lynching blacks because they didn’t like them. Because of their skin color. Because Democrats were — and remain — racists, haters, and intolerant bigots.
The Rest…HERE