How Long Until ‘The Purge’ Begins With The Communists Fantasizing About Executing Christians & One Liberal Doctor Calling For Conservatives To Be Killed Then Castrated?

Sunday, September 8, 2019
By Paul Martin

The Left’s Disturbing Intolerance Towards Half Of America Is The New ‘Sign Of The Times’

By John C. Velisek – US Navy, Retired
All News Pipeline
September 7, 2019

The question then becomes, what is the purpose of enslaving the country with the idea of “white nationalism?” The progressive socialists (Communists!) will tell you it is to deter the normalizing of racist tendencies so inherent in our culture. While the deterrence of racist tendencies is an admirable agenda, what isn’t explained is the tactics that will be used to implement those commendable ideas. The long-embattled freedom of speech will be further eroded by the progressive socialists to eliminate anyone who those in power decide are identified as white nationalists. It will give the progressive socialists the authority to ban political officials and supporters of the conservative cause.

These same proponents of inflicting “white Nationalism” on the country conveniently turn away if anyone mentions “Anti-Semitism.” It has now become gospel on the left that if you believe in this grand experiment of self-determination that we have in our country or if you believe in the Declaration of Independence or the Constitution, you are a “White Nationalist.”

So you may ask, what makes someone a “White Nationalist.” According to the progressive socialists, many factors must be considered. First, you are a white male (I am.) you must have a deep abiding respect for our founders and believe the United States a great place to live. (after spending 20 years in the military, I agree.) You must be proud of the history of our nation, ( I am.) you must not be politically correct and turn away from groupthink, ( I do.) and you must disagree that our country must be forced into diversity. If these are the positions you hold, you no longer deserve to call yourself a patriot because you are a “white nationalist.”

The Rest…HERE

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