Fusion Centers, Citizen Spies and the Debasement of the American Character
By Karen Melton Stewart
No matter if you are in the “Trump-resistance” or a QAnon Patriot, it is likely significant numbers of you have been successfully debased by your state Fusion Centers, despite political leanings. Only raw avarice and a total disregard for the Constitution is needed.
For those who do not know what a Fusion Center is, it was decided after 9/11 that the Federal, State, and local authorities were failing to sufficiently communicate with each other in regard to terror threats, so Fusion Centers were created in each state to “fuse” information and share it in one central location. Depending on the physical size of the state and its population, there could be one to three Fusion Centers in a state.
In each Fusion Center is a Domestic Terrorism Unit, which even has billboards put up in various locations encouraging people to “See something, say something”. In addition, Fusion Centers recruit boots-on-the ground civilians they call HUMINT (human intelligence), laughable from my perspective as a retired National Security Agency Intelligence Analyst, where that does not mean unsophisticated dupes and thugs as it does here.
Fusion Centers recruit regular people through quasi patriot or even faux patriot groups under the moniker of “Infragard” (under FBI auspices) and other such questionably fascistic groups. Fusion Centers even are known to utilize criminals and criminal gangs but I get ahead of myself.
Infragard is recruited by FBI/Fusion Centers from the same kind of people who volunteer for local law enforcement “ride-alongs” or citizen cop programs. Many are concerned do-gooders though many, too many, are bullies looking to justify their desire to control others and exert their will over those around them with false authority and power. These people are trained in a covert, relay-style militaristic stalking technique the intelligence community calls “cast iron coverage”, meaning rotating teams are assigned to a “terror suspect” 24/7, night and day, endlessly. Their job is to follow the target absolutely everywhere. If the target goes to the grocery store, multiple people park in the parking lot to surveil the store while another team follows the person around the grocery store even peeking into his cart to report what he is buying. Seriously. The target is also surveilled telephonically (eavesdropping via FBI ) and any appointments he makes by phone there is sure to be multiple Infragard in the waiting room watching him. The Fusion Center may even notify the doctor the person is under surveillance and they need access to his medical records. Some doctors comply. Any family or friends he frequents will come under surveillance as well, maybe even be threatened, and multiple Infragard snitches will be parked in the neighborhood to keep an eye (and ear) on each visit. Anyone else dropping by will no doubt have his license tag recorded and investigated. And all the target’s neighbors as well as the neighbors of friends and family will be notified that this suspicious person is under investigation. Sometimes for unnamed crimes, sometimes for crimes that never happened.
But what puts someone on this Watch List? Are they recent Middle Eastern immigrants with shady ties to potential terrorists? People with dubious foreign entanglements? Oddly enough, not that many on the FBI/Fusion Center/Infragard Watch List are named Abdul or Fatima, but rather, Bob, Mary, Steve, Susan, Leon, Tawanda…. And a few Josés and Marias, as well as a few token Oriental names of people whose families have been here forever.
The Rest…HERE