YouTube’s search algorithm now shows you what Google WANTS you to see rather than what you’re searching for

Wednesday, August 29, 2018
By Paul Martin

by: Tracey Watson
Tuesday, August 28, 2018

The Internet should be a limitless source of information about every subject under the sun. With this country’s expansive freedom of speech laws, seekers of truth and information should be able to enter information into an online search and find all three sides of the truth related to any given subject.

Unfortunately, in recent years tech giants like Google and Facebook have taken it upon themselves to filter, censor and generally edit the information you and I have access to. Instead of allowing us to exercise our mental faculties and draw our own conclusions, they have increasingly assumed (incorrectly) that they have the right to present not all the facts, but the facts that suit whatever their beliefs might be. (Related: YouTube employees suddenly find themselves on the front lines of a shooting war that they started via censorship and oppression of speech.)

In the latest example of this avalanche of censorship, YouTube’s new search algorithm now presents you not with all the videos related to a specific search – and not even the videos most relevant to that search – but whichever videos Google, which purchased the site in November 2006, believes you should see.

If it doesn’t follow the mainstream narrative, it’s going to get buried

As noted recently by Information Liberation (IL), where YouTube was once a source of unfettered access to millions of independent voices, Google has turned it into a “censored, walled garden” which only allows access to “approved” information by established mainstream media outlets. IL notes that over 99.9 percent of all channels have now been removed from the first 20 results on any news topic.

The Rest…HERE

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