WAYNE ALLYN ROOT: PROOF Liberals are a Danger to All of Us…(Along With RINOS!!!)

Thursday, August 23, 2018
By Paul Martin

By Wayne Allyn Root
August 23, 2018

Liberal Democrats are a danger to all of us. The lessons are staring us in the face. This is what liberal Democrats offer America.

Obama, Hillary, Elizabeth Warren and the new Democrat hero Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez all offer socialist policies. They want desperately to destroy or badly damage capitalism. The same capitalism unleashed by President Trump that has resulted in the lowest black unemployment in history and a historic 400% increase in black business ownership in one year.

Why would anyone want to change those results?

There is no need to guess if the socialist policies of today’s Democrat Party work. Venezuela was the richest country in Latin America only 20 years ago. That’s when they practiced capitalism. Then socialist Hugo Chavez took over. He modeled Venezuela after the Cuban model.

Today there is no food on shelves…very little water…no gas available in an oil-rich country…no toilet paper. The proud people of Venezuela are eating out of dumpsters and garbage cans.

Days ago, it got much worse. The socialist president of Venezuela Nicolas Maduro devalued the currency overnight by 96 percent. This is one of the largest currency devaluations in world history.

Inflation is now officially one million percent in Venezuela.

But have no fear. Venezuela’s socialist leader introduced bold new policies to save the country. His solutions to the unfolding disaster? Higher taxes, subsidized gas prices and a massive minimum wage increase.

Do you recognize those solutions? Those are the exact prescriptions of Democrat politicians in America.

Every Democrat running for president in 2020 offers the same tired socialist solutions. They all propose higher taxes, more regulations, more government control, higher minimum wages, free or subsidized everything- from free college, to free healthcare, to free universal income, to subsidized solar panels and electric cars.

But why go all the way to Venezuela to see the model. Just look at Chicago. Almost 60 more black Chicagoans were shot this past weekend. There is a black genocide. Over half a century of 100% Democrat rule. Do the people of Chicago seem happy?

The Rest…HERE

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