GOING CASHLESS?? Someone Better Tell The Federal Reserve As Currency In Circulation Reaches New High

Wednesday, August 22, 2018
By Paul Martin

By: Steve St. Angelo
Wednesday, 22 August 2018

With all the talk about Central banks going “Cashless,” someone needs to tell the Federal Reserve. Why? Because the Federal Reserve just placed another large order for newly printed 2018 Dollars. Interestingly, the U.S. Treasury will print the largest number of $100 bills since it came out with the updated anti-counterfeit $100 bill in 2013.

Not only is the Federal Reserve ordering more bills to replace worn-out bills that will be taken out of circulation, but it will also add a percentage for the increased public demand. And let me tell you, this demand continues to rise significantly. For example, total U.S. currency in circulation is now $1.57 trillion, up nearly double from the $792 billion in 2007:

The Rest…HERE

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