Three million dead as nuclear bombs rain down on Tokyo, Seoul and New York: What war with North Korea would be like according to one expert who warns of the dangers of leaders’ ‘miscalculations’

Wednesday, August 8, 2018
By Paul Martin

Arms expert Dr Jeffrey Lewis has predicted of what nuclear war with the North Korea could look like
In his imagined history, North Korea launches missiles at Japan, South Korea and the United States after wrongly believing that an American invasion is imminent
3 million people are killed instantly as Tokyo, Seoul and New York are vaporized by atomic weapons
Millions more die from horrific burns as outbreaks of plague and other diseases ravage survivors whose immune systems are permanently compromised

8 August 2018

The year is 2023 and the world is still recovering from the devastating North Korean nuclear attacks on Japan, South Korea and the United States three years before.

Almost 3million people died as soon as the bombs went off, causing a tornado of flame to rip through Tokyo, levelling Manhattan, and wiping the city of Jupiter, Florida, off the map – after narrowly missing Mar-a-Lago.

This is the dire future imagined by Dr Jeffrey Lewis, one of the world’s foremost experts on the North Korean nuclear programme, as he paints a picture of what could happen should the peace talks between Donald Trump and Kim Jong-un fail.

Dr Lewis, who works at the the Middlebury Institute of International Studies, makes the prediction in his novel, The 2020 Commission Report on the North Korean Nuclear Attacks Against the United States, in which he imagines himself analysing the events leading up to the strikes and the harrowing fallout.

Dr Lewis told Mail Online that he decided to write the book after struggling to get people to take the threat of nuclear war seriously in his everyday research.

He said: ‘North Korea says it is willing to use nuclear weapons and that’s what I was never able to convey in nonfiction, no matter what I tried, I could never really effectively express it.

The rest…HERE

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