History Speaks Will America Listen? Democratic Party Ideals Parallel the Nazi Takeover of Germany
By Dave Hodges
February 9th, 2018
The Washington Post (CIA controlled) wrote an article entitled, Trump immigration plan could keep whites in U.S. majority for up to five more years.
The article makes the point that some, unknown, obscure and ultra liberal economist, Michael Clemens, is upset because Hipanics and Africans imigrants are now coming to America in insufficient numbers that would be needed to replace whites as the most prevalent race in America. In the article masquerading as news, the unknown economist is placed upon a pedastal by WAPO quotes this pseudo intellectual:
“By greatly slashing the number of Hispanic and black African immigrants entering America, this proposal would reshape the future United States. Decades ahead, many fewer of us would be nonwhite or have nonwhite people in our families…” and the “elimination of chain migration would delay the date the white Americans become a minority of the population by as many as one or as many as five years”.
Welcome to Nazi Germany
Amazingly this anti-white racist rant by the Washington Post is now accepted as news among the liberals. This is the kind of racist rhetoric that preceded the Nazi concentration camps. When the German people would read newspapers, they would read how the Jews had dominated German society and drove the country into the abyss of social, political, military and economic destruction.
In the 1930’s, when the German people would attend the movies, the show began with a 10 minute newsreel which looked a like like today’s network TV. However, ALL of the newsreels consisted of the same plot. A menacing rat would be shown in the corner of a German home. The narrator would be comparing Jews to rats and that they should be treated the same way in that they should never be handling money (ie working in banks), teaching the young adults (ie working as university professors) and they should never enjoy the fruits of their Jewish criminality (ie owning property). Then came Kristallnacht (ie “the night of the broken glass”) which became a premeditated attack upon many Jewish businesses and homes by the Nazis.
When one looks at the George Soros inspired of a rapidly escalating racist path (ie BLM, Moveon.org, et al) that America is on today, I would ask the readers, where is America at in comparison to Nazi Germany history? And I how do I know this history so well, and recognize this history so clearly? These factors were the primary determinants on why so many of my family came to America, from Germany, via England.
When I first heard the “kill whitey” statements from various post-secondary educators that made their way into the media, I felt it was hyperbole and should not be taken seriously. I no longer believe that to be true. Ask yourself this question, why would the establishment media (eg Washington Post promote such anti-white rhetoric? This is a conditioning process for what is coming and parallels what happened prior the opening of the concentration camps?
As I have stated before, while I was attending a State Republican convention in Phoenix on January 27, 2018, I had a conversation with Representative Dr. Paul Gosar and he clearly told me that the estimates of the Republican Party placed the magic number of future Democratic immigrant voters, who would be granted amnesty, at 10 million people, in order to secure a chance at winning general elections.
The current number of proposed DACA members only totals 1.8 million and that is generous. To get to 10 million new Democratic voters, that means that each DACA member would have to bring an average of 5+ unwarranted people into the country. This is the height of Democratic Party insanity.
As an aside, when immigrants are here for a few years and begin to assimilate into the culture, many reject the Democratic Party anti-American values that shun the value of patriotism, hard work etc. Many of these hard-working immigrants have had to scratch and claw and earn everything they get. I have noticed that most do not identify with the welfare handout philosophy of “robbing Peter to pay Paul” mentality of the Democratic Party.
The American people can expect that after DACA is passed and chain migration upheld, in five years, the Democrats will be back again looking for more unsuspecting immigrants and they will be trying to get this new group of amnesty seekers as the Democrats try to stay one step ahead of the burning bridge.
Enemies Within
the following paragraphs will detail how America has been betrayed by the Democratic Party.
Elizabeth Warren, the Trojan Horse of the Middle Class. She and Senator Kamala Harris are Muslim Brotherhood sympathizers. I am not talking Muslims or the religion of Islam, I am referring to the most senior terrorist group in the world, the Muslim Brotherhood. These two belong to their front organizations for the Muslim Brotherhood. Trevor Louden has fully exposed this in his new documentary, The Enemies Within. Over 80 Democrats in Congress fit this MO. And now you know why they had a tantrum when Trump is pausing immmigration in order to screen immigrants who come from a part of the world that rightfullly hates America.They ae also upset because chain migration, which knows no boundaries, is being threatened by President Trump. Does this fit the definition of treason? Why do Warren and Harris care if immigrants are screened before they are admitted to our country? They have an agenda.
The Rest…HERE