Enter The Golden Dragon – China’s Move To Dominate The World Will Include A Gold-Centered Monetary System
November 20, 2017
As we kickoff this week’s trading with a roughly $2 billion takedown in the paper gold market, it appears that China’s move to dominate the world will include a gold-centered monetary system.
Enter The Golden Dragon
November 20 (King World News) – Dr. Stephen Leeb: “One headline after another shows how the U.S., torn by partisan politics, is making a mockery of itself. Three decades ago, during the Reagan administration, the Senate passed tax reform with 74 “yes” votes. These included a majority of Democrats. Today the legislative process has been depressingly cheapened. If the hastily drafted massive and messy tax bill passes, it will be without a single Democratic vote in the Senate and perhaps the House as well.
President Trump’s trip to Asia provides abundant further evidence of our decline. While Trump reveled in the pageantry, Asian leaders politely made plain that China now calls the shots. The next stage will be implementation of a new monetary system centered on gold, as we’ve discussed often before…
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