IT’S A FAKE! Analyst Says Judge Roy Moore Signature Inside Gloria Allred Accuser’s Yearbook Was FORGED
by Joshua Caplan
November 13, 2017
Known for his insightful take on politics, journalist and author Thomas Wictor believes Judge Roy Moore’s signature in Gloria Allred accuser Beverly Young Nelson’s yearbook is a forgery.
The sevens in 1977 to the right of “Christmas,” are very different from the sevens in the date (12-22-77) above “Old Hickory House.”
“Look at the two versions of the number “7,” tweeted Wictor.
“”12-22-77” and “Olde Hickory House” were written by a different person,” he added.
Next, Wictor points out “the “R” and “y” in “Roy,”” are not written the same way.
The Rest…HERE