Roger Stone and Dennis Praeger lawyer-up to challenge censorship by Twitter and Google/YouTube
Jerome Corsi
NOVEMBER 1, 2017
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Two lawsuits now in progress may win millions of dollars in damages for plaintiffs whose goal is to expose censorship of conservative and libertarian content by social media giants, including Facebook, Google, and Twitter.
Roger Stone Jr. who has threatened to use “one of the best telecommunications lawyers in the country” to bring legal action against Twitter for suspending his account permanently. Stone was banned by Twitter after posting a series of angry expletive-rich tweets over last weekend in which Stone lashed out at various Hillary-supporting news outlets, including an attack Stone launched on Don Lemon, host of “CNN Tonight.”
The second lawsuit involves conservative radio host and author Dennis Praeger.
Praeger charges Google and its subsidiary YouTube have employed the filter to screen out sexually explicit or violent content to block a series of five-minute videos his “Praeger University” has produced featuring leading experts in the fields of economics, politics, national security, and culture.
Last week, the Wall Street Journal reported that Praeger University sued YouTube and its parent company, Google, in U.S. District Court in San Francisco.
The lawsuit charges the restrictions placed on its 5-minute video clips threaten Praeger University’s First Amendment free speech rights in an era where YouTube’s “more than 30 million visitors a day make it so fundamental to free speech in the digital era that the website should be treated as a public forum.”
Julian Assange of WikiLeaks fame tweeted in defense of Roger Stone that “Twitter has suspended @RogerJStoneJr after saying CNN hosts are ‘lying’ [expletive deleted]. However, explicit calls for my and (Snowdon’s) are just fine.”
The political hard-left finds expletive-laden Twitter attacks on President Trump laudable, including tweets that call in extreme language for violence to remove President Trump from office, while charging that Trump should be banned from Twitter because his tweets on North Korea somehow violate Twitter’s rule on violence.
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