Liberal university says the slogan “You need Jesus” may be HATE speech
by: Ethan Huff
Wednesday, November 01, 2017
Kent State University in Ohio recently held a panel discussion on the difference between free speech and so-called “hate” speech, asking students and faculty members to chime in on their opinions of what differentiates the two. But in the process of promoting this event via Twitter, the school’s Center for Student Involvement took a jab at Christians, insinuating that their efforts in calling unbelievers to repentance and faith in Jesus Christ represent expressions of hate.
The controversial poster that was circulated by the Center for Student Involvement depicts silhouetted stick figures holding up various signs and banners bearing provocative messages like, “No More Gays,” “Women Need to Serve Their Man,” and “Build a Wall,” along with the question, “Free Speech or Hate Speech?” A fourth sign, an obvious outlier, is also seen in the poster bearing the words “You Need Jesus,” conveying a negative message about the Christian faith.
The panel discussion that this poster was promoting was part of Kent State’s “KENTTalks” initiative, a forum similar to the popular TEDTalk series that is supposedly aimed at “provid[ing] a safe place for discussions and transformational experiences for our student body,” as well as promoting “civil discourse.” But this safe space is apparently not intended for anyone of the Christian faith who holds an evangelical view of trying to bring others into the faith.
“The university should apologize because it appears to be targeted toward one political and religious side,” stated Jared Small, president of Campus Ministry International, a student organization at Kent State that ministers to students of the Christian faith, in an email to The College Fix. Speaking on behalf of himself and not his organization, Small added:
“They could have included hate speech against president Trump or hate speech against Christians as examples. In my opinion, free speech protects hate speech to an extent. However, the university appears to show a bias against Christians and conservatives.”
Imagine the outrage if Kent State had targeted Muslims for hate speech with an image of a sign stating ‘kill all the infidels’
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