After Deep State Takes the Guns, They Will Be Taking Millions to FEMA Camps…(Ed. Note 10:30am…Have to go up to Wyoming…Back Later…)

Wednesday, May 31, 2017
By Paul Martin

By Dave Hodges
May 31st, 2017

Re-Education Camps

This is a series dedicated to the implications of the Deep State extinguishing our Constitutionally elected republic and replacing it with the most brutal dictatorship in the history of the planet. The technology that exists to impose the will of a few despots on the many has never existed before. Escape from the technology of tyranny would be nearly impossible. The Deep State is poised to give humanity its darkest days. In a recent interview, Steve Quayle and I both agree that the Deep State is very close to coming out of the closet for all to see. From Pedogate, to Podesta Gate, to the Hillary emails, to the Seth Rich murder, the Deep State is getting exposed for all to see. It is becoming impossible for the Deep State to remain in the role of the shadow government. America has no idea about what is going to hit them. How do I know? I certainly do not have a crystal ball, but I am an historical expert on how tyranny comes to power. I have studied the emergence of every tyrannical government in the 20th Century and they ALL have certain things in common.

1.They all begin as a shadow government and when their purposes cannot be met through covert means, they emerge with a vengeance. For example, Hitler, Mao and Stalin all masqueraded as champions of the people (i.e. “The People’s Republic of ….”).
2.To come to power they ALL create a false flag attack, or they create the perception of extreme danger (i.e. psychological false flag attack) that poses a grave danger to the public which must be met with extreme prejudice. Subsequently, for the safety of all, guns must be seized. Of course this is a deception because the people are being disarmed so they cannot defend themselves for what is coming. The University of Hawaii conducted a study called the Demicide Project and what they found was that there were 19 genocides in the 20th Century and that all of them were preceded by gun confiscation. Several of these genocides following gun confiscation are listed in Part One of this series.
3.People who are dangerous to the existing order are rounded up and millions are exterminated because they are believed to be a threat to the new order. This is the topic of Part Two.

Relevant History of the FEMA Camp Movement

The Rest…HERE

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