Netflix Documentary Links John Podesta To Pedophile Ring
Sean Adl-Tabatabai
May 30, 2017
Netflix documentary series ‘The Keepers‘ links Clinton campaign chair John Podesta to a high-level government pedophile ring.
The show documents a government-connected pedophile ring involving the Catholic church and the murder of a woman who was about to come forward to the police with damning evidence about the abuse committed against various children.
The show vindicates what alternative media websites have been saying for years – namely that elite pedophile rings operate within the highest echelons of government involving famous politicians and world leaders, and confirms that such scandals are systematically covered up by the powers-that-be in collusion with our media institutions.
In the show, tesimony makes reference to a man nicknamed ‘Skippy’ who was involved in Cathy’s murder. ‘Skippy’ is the nickname John Podesta used as detailed in various emails leaked to WikiLeaks. He was described as a man with brown hair and a mustache, just like the picture of Podesta below:
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