Deceitful Lies, Fear, Terrorism and Mass Surveillance: Party Politics in the United Kingdom
By Julian Rose
Global Research
May 28, 2017
As much as I am revolted by this subject, I feel impelled to tackle it head-on, as I believe it to be the single most important issue of our time, underlying the current malaise permeating almost every aspect of British party politics and deeply afflicting life on this planet as a whole.
Now that’s an extreme statement, but by the time you read to the end of this article, I believe you will not be able to refute the substance of my assertion.
The fact that the United Kingdom is in the throws of a general election, should serve to focus minds. It had better, because to ignore the plight of the nation at this critical moment, is the surest way to capitulate to outright slavery.
Whereas to examine, analyze, explore and expose the undercurrent of deeply deceitful lies being perpetrated upon the electorate, is to play a key role in helping to liberate, not just UK citizens, but mankind as a whole, from the forces of slavery. Yes, this is a global phenomenon and must be understood as such.
By way of ending this introduction, I feel bound to state that the great majority of evidence suggests that, within UK politics, the “Satanic factor” is most prevalent within Conservative party high command. Underlined by its squandering of the democratic process in favor of dictatorship by a largely bloodless and deeply corrupted pseudo-elite.
Fear Is the Key
At the top of the list of all “Satanic procedures” (diabolical procedures) for mass public indoctrination, is ‘fear’. To keep a nation in a permanent state of stress and fear provides the fuel which both the seen and unseen forces of evil need so as to maintain their powers of oppression over others.
‘Terrorism’ is the ace card of the political fear pack. The relentless perpetuation of the notion that basic civil liberties must be sacrificed in exchange for ‘protection’ from terrorism, opens the way for the full imposition of a police state. Although most can’t see it, we are right in the midst of such an imposition today.
Next comes the replacement of human thinking by technologies that ‘do your thinking for you’. This is a sure way to create sterile automatons out of red-blooded human beings. It enables the powers that be to take a controlling influence over all sentient people and dictate the outcome of every last detail, concerning the day to day functioning of human society.
Artificial intelligence (AI) and Transhumanist movements that promote it, see a computer programmed mind as superior to the natural mind. They see such technology as man’s ‘salvation’; claiming that by 2030 computer driven artificial thought creation will take over as ‘the new intelligence’. It is of note that governments throughout the world show little interest in countering this agenda.
Mass Surveillance
The Conservative party has been quick to capitalize on this usurping of human liberty by computer science, by welcoming the development of ‘smart technologies’ in all areas of domestic and military life. You understand of course, the ‘smartware’ does the thinking for you; you plug yourself into a programme, designed by the equivalent of laboratory technicians, who specialize in playing with and ‘inverting’ the human mind for ends that lead into an abyss of truly vast proportions. Such uses of cutting edge technology are highly symptomatic of the Satanic agenda: posses, control, enslave.
The Rest…HERE