We All Just Need To Co-Exist With Islam – You First!

Saturday, May 27, 2017
By Paul Martin

MAY 26, 2017

“No Barriers, No Borders, We all need to co-exist.” –Katy Perry

This week, headline news read, “MASSIVE Explosions” Rock British Concert… Bodies Everywhere… Fatalities Confirmed… “It Was Huge-You Could Feel it in Your Chest.”

Yet, in London, we know that Muslim Mayor Sadiq Khan told New York and London, “Terror attacks are a part of urban life.”

In America, Minneapolis Mayor Betsy Hodges begins her little scripted diatribe on cue supporting those who follow the teachings of the Koran, all the while, overlooking the victims. This is all brought to you by your local, corrupt and treasonous politicians (Article 3, Section 3 of the US Constitution).

Here you see them using divide and conquer to gain control of the chaos that politicians and the media are allied in creating (Mark 3:25).

We see these officials act rather strange after these “terror attacks.” They seem to conglomerate on cue and ally themselves to condemn the acts, but not the actors. In the end, they ask the people to give up their rights while attempting to disarm them for the “global good.” Additionally, they attempt to forge new powers against the very people they are supposed to represent.

The Rest…HERE

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