The bombings have only just begun: “Progressive” Western civilization is slaughtering itself by foolishly appeasing those who seek to destroy it

Tuesday, May 23, 2017
By Paul Martin

by: Mike Adams
Tuesday, May 23, 2017

I’m not going to get into the details of the ISIS terrorist attack at the Grande concert in the UK except to say that it is truly just the beginning of the slaughter yet to come.

Western civilization, you see, has become obsessed with self-induced idiocy and political correctness that’s so insane, its political leaders can’t even muster the will to engage in simple acts of self-defense against a cultural onslaught. Western Europe, in particular, is being overrun by radicals who practice an extreme, violent form of Islam that has zero tolerance for anyone who isn’t obedient to their narratives.

If that sounds familiar, it’s also the philosophy of the political Left in the United States, where intolerance is now so extreme and dangerous that Leftists openly call for conservative speakers to be killed before they can utter “hateful words.” Liberalism has reached “peak idiocy” everywhere across the Western world, and every Western nation is currently on a suicide path of self-destruction, all aided by delusional tech giants like Google, Facebook and Twitter, all of whom are systematically censoring reason and logic in order to appease the obedience demands of the Left-wing tolerati.

Appeasing the very terrorists who are murdering your citizens

Liberalism has become so obsessed with embracing the terrorism of fringe Islamic radicals that they excuse the routine murder of gays by saying such violence is “part of their culture” and thus must be “respected.” Even the dehumanizing treatment of women by Islamists is pardoned by the same Leftists who, at one moment project themselves as “feminists” who demand women’s rights, then at the next moment they advertise themselves as “tolerant progressives” who accept Islam’s serial abuse of women and children, including the systematic maiming of young girls via female genital mutilation.

The political leaders of this organized suicide of Western civilization — Merkel, Obama and now Macron — aren’t stupid people; they’re actually working quite deliberately to undermine Western civilization and destroy capitalism, democracy and European-Caucasian culture. Merkel, for example, is an agent of the old East Germany communist cabal. She’s using KGB-style tactics to systematically undermine and destroy Germany, and she has almost achieved her goal if seeing Germany completely overrun and culturally “cleansed.” Obama, who has always been a Muslim, was a sleeper cell operator whose job was to systematically dismantle America’s borders, economy and culture. France’s Macron is a clueless globalist puppet, of course, and if Hillary Clinton had been elected in America, she would have continued to carry out the mass cultural and economic destruction initiated by Obama.

The Rest…HERE

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