Fmr Speaker of the House Says Seth Rich Was Assassinated as WikiLeaks Source

Monday, May 22, 2017
By Paul Martin

By Jack Burns
May 22, 2017

Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich showed on Sunday he is not going to go along with the narrative put out by the mainstream media that murdered Democratic National Committee’s Director of Voter Expansion Data, Seth Rich, was killed by thugs. He told FoxNews’ Fox and Friends Sunday, Rich was assassinated.

Gingrich was asked about the appointment of former FBI Director Robert Mueller as a Special Prosecutor to investigate the allegations Russia colluded with the Trump campaign to influence the 2016 presidential election. After briefly stating any investigation into Russian connections to American politicians should also investigate Bill Clinton’s receipt for $500K, and Hillary’s Russian deal with Uranium One, Gingrich dropped what some are calling a bombshell.

We have this very strange story now of this young man who worked at the Democratic National Committee, who apparently was ASSASSINATED, at four in the morning, uh having given Wikileaks something like 23,000, um I’m sorry 53,000 emails and 17,000 attachments. Nobody is investigating that. And what does that tell you about what was going on? Because it turns out it wasn’t the Russians. It was this young guy who I suspect was disgusted by the corruption of the Democratic National Committee. He’s been killed and apparently nothing serious has been done to investigate his murder. So, I’d like to see how Mueller is going to define what his assignment is. And if it’s only narrowly Trump, the country will not learn what it needs to learn about foreign involvement in American politics.

The Rest…HERE

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