Trump Strikes Back-The War Is On…”Trump has successfully answered the Deep State attacks in the media. Let the war begin.”
By Dave Hodges
May 20th, 2017
I have previously and correctly asserted that President Trump has lost control of his foreign policy. The state of affairs with regard to what is happening with North Korea, Syria, the Russian border with Eastern Europe and of course, Iran, are a testament to the belief. Can there be any question that that Deep State is in charge of major foreign policy initiatives?
The war between Deep State and the Trump administration just got heated.
Trump Strikes Back
Trump has taken a very big step in reclaiming control of the foreign policy powers he lost in the early days of his administration. His tour of the Middle East will prove to be a crowning jewel in his accomplishments. This tour also puts him in conflict with the Deep State that wants America to lose the next war. Remember, Deagel has predicted that America will suffer a 90% decline in population by 2024.
Trump has just started a nine-day, five country tour starting with Saudi Arabia. The Saudi mission is designed to solidify a 110 billion dollar arms agreement between the two nations. In exchange, the Saudi Arabian government is promising to curtail the forces inside of their country that contributes to ISIS.
What is most notable about this agreement with Saudi Arabia is that it forms a buffer to Russian military power in the Middle East Heretofore, it has only been Israel that has been a deterrent to Russian imperialism in the Middle East. This is a brilliant move by Trump and his team. It is also a good first step to get Middle East leaders to take responsibility for ISIS.
At the end of the day, Trump may not be able to take control of the N. Korea or Syrian situation, but he is very much taking control in the Middle East in a manner that will have ripple effects back to these two hot spots.
Trump has successfully answered the Deep State attacks in the media. Let the war begin.
The Rest…HERE