Over to you, Mr Trump: Kim Jong-un throws down gauntlet with upgrades to missile sites

Friday, May 19, 2017
By Paul Martin

NEVER-BEFORE-SEEN satellite images indicate a major upgrade programme in progress at North Korea’s main launch facility.

By Tom Evans
19th May 2017

North Korea has hosted a gigantic parade to offer a heroes’ welcome to the “warriors” behind Kim Jong-un’s new missile.

The tubby tyrant boasted that he has the US “in range” and declared itself a “fully-fledged nuclear power”.

But now, chilling new satellite images appear to show upgrades in progress at the secretive state’s biggest launch facility.

It appears that new roads are being constructed, exercises are visible near the main launch positions and low level construction is taking place.

The images come just under six weeks after the state’s last nuclear test.

And they could provide a unique insight into the country’s long-term commitment to the facility and its nuclear programme.

Kim’s paranoia reportedly comes amid fears US President Donald Trump could blitz him in the same manner as Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad.

Fifty missiles were launched from warships in the Med to crush an airbase in Syria after Assad was accused of using chemical weapons on his own people.

North Korea is understood to fear the same fate as it takes action to protect airbases and key military strongholds, reports Asia Press.

The Rest…HERE

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