An Analysis of the Coup Against Trump (Part 2)

Monday, May 8, 2017
By Paul Martin

By Dave Hodges
May 8th, 2017

In Part One, I provided stunning reversal from Candidate Trump to President Trump with regard to the major initiatives that he is carrying out. However, I am not of the opinion that Trump’s campaign was based on lies and deception. I went back and watched about 15 hours of tape, especially during the primary campaign. Trump was NOT being phony. I reviewed the progression of his candidacy. The man took amazing abuse, but it was not scripted. The abuse was often spontaneous. And the miracle that became his election had little to do with Trump’s skills, but I believed I was reviewing the unveiling of a supernatural power (i.e. the hand of God) being thrust upon the nation, particularly among theenemies of God and ultimately the American people.

Where Did Things Go Wrong?

In Part One, I have quoted the book of Ezekiel in that in the end days, the evil of the leaders would be revealed. Have come to believe that because of our nation’s increasing hedonism and pervasive evil, God was only willing to go so far with this nation, as I believe we are a nation under judgment.

In short, God used Donald Trump, as Steve Quayle puts it, to expose the satanic evil prevalent in our leaders. The Trump campaign accomplished that end. We learned of Hillary’s extracurricular activities along with Cruz, Rubio and the core of the Democratic party. George Soros was exposed as a primary player in our election. In fact, if one wants to look at election tampering, we need not look at the Russians, we only need to look at Soros with his voting machines and formation of terrorist groups designed to defeat Trump and subvert the will of the people.

In the following short video, I discuss how Trump, despite being compromised, was planning to go after the power of the banks.

The Rest…HERE

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