Who Really Runs AmeriKa?

Thursday, May 4, 2017
By Paul Martin

By Dave Hodges
May 4th, 2017

Not since I read Pat Wood’s book, Trilaterals Over Washington, did I wonder was running America, until now.

Are you naive enough to believe that your elected politicians make the final decisions on the big issues? Why do you think corporate America, the banks and private, shadowy figures behind the scenes make contributions to both sides of the aisle? Do you really believe that the corporations and their banksters spend all that time and capital and power to let YOU the people, get in their way.

In America, the Deep State is the antidote to the notion of power to the people.

An Election for the Ages

In the early days of the Primary election, Trump said and did all the right things. The odds of his election were long, but I thought he had a chance. He overcame every obstacle known to mankind that could be thrown against him and yet he won the election against a candidate who had everything working against him.

There is a government within a government and that government is secret. At least, it is as secret as can be. These people select Presidents while the American people believe they elect the President.

At the elections we choose a new president or new representatives in Congress; some new personalities appear in Washington DC and some vereranones disappear. But many stay in power. One election after another they retain their seats and are almost invisible to the public eye. These are the people who run the country, regardless of who is formally in power. We have a name for them, they are called the Deep State.

The American political system is a hybrid of government, top-level finance and industry. Just look at how man Goldman Sachs banksters there are in Trump’s administration. This was what tipped most researchers off that Trump was compromised from almost the moment he took the oath of office.

Through the financing of elected official’s campaigns centers of financial power have gained unprecedented influence over the functioning of our government, and the promise of lucrative post-public service careers has given them de facto rule over the United States. Every federal agency is controlled by these shadowy figures, hamel, Every single day is a coup de tat against the Constitution and the will of the people. Over half the money given to presidential candidates in the 2016 campaign has come from a tiiny minority of only 158 families. You see America, we do not have a Republic form democracy, we have an oligarchy, and evil one at that.

Complete Domination

Foster Gamble of Thrive offers the following analysis:

“…my research revealed that a small group of financial elite have gained control over key areas of our lives – energy, food, health care, education and more – and are the single greatest threat to humanity’s ability to thrive.”

The Rest…HERE

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