Muslim Offers $10,000 If You Can Show Where in the Quran it Commands Terror – Where Can We Pick Up the Check?
MARCH 31, 2016
Omar Alnatour, who identifies himself as a “Palestinian-American Muslim. Student. Humanitarian,” has published an article in the Huffington Post entitled, “Why Muslims Should Never Have To Apologize for Terrorism.” It’s one of the most deceptive apologetic pieces ever to appear on HuffPo – and that’s saying a lot.
“Picture this: You wake up in the morning to hear your wife screaming at you because it’s pouring rain outside,” Alnatour starts out. “She hates the rain and now her day is ruined because of you. You go downstairs only to hear your children yell at you because they broke the toaster. They can’t have waffles now and it’s all your fault.” And on and on. Comparing things that happen in the course of a day that are irritating with not having to apologize for terrorism is deceptive and illogical. Millions of Muslims across the world are waging a bloody holy war to impose Islam because of what is written in the Quran, Hadith, etc.
Nonetheless, Alnatour presses on with his argument: “Quite a ridiculous scenario, right? Can you imagine always being blamed for things that you have absolutely no control over? Can you imagine always being asked to apologize for these things? Can you imagine being hated whether or not you do apologize? This is what being a Muslim in America today feels like.”
In reality, the American Muslim community should be leading the world in reforming Islam and showing the way to individual freedom. Instead, many Muslims in the U.S. reap the enormous benefits of freedom while trying to silence the truth, impose Sharia blasphemy laws, and cover for their mujahid brothers by pretending that what they do has nothing to do with Islam. In that, they are just as culpable as the jihadis.
The Rest…HERE