America Doomed To A Fate Worse Than What History’s Lessons Teach
MARCH 30, 2016
History and human nature display the certain doom for any semblance of an American Representative Republic from ever returning. Rome’s Fall would be a better fate for us than what is now coming.
“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” – George Satayana
““When the situation was manageable it was neglected, and now that it is thoroughly out of hand we apply too late the remedies which then might have effected a cure. There is nothing new in the story. It is as old as the sibylline books. It falls into that long, dismal catalogue of the fruitlessness of experience and the confirmed unteachability of mankind. Want of foresight, unwillingness to act when action would be simple and effective, lack of clear thinking, confusion of counsel until the emergency comes, until self-preservation strikes its jarring gong–these are the features which constitute the endless repetition of history.” – Winston Churchill, House of Commons, 2 May 1935
To quote the scriptures to emphasize the point the two men above made if you believe that God is the same yesterday, today and forever:
My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge, I also will reject you from being My priest. Since you have forgotten the law of your God, I also will forget your children. – Hosea 4:6
Because America has not only forgotten God and declared His Laws and Ways to be evil, criminal, racist and discriminatory, it has also the notorious distinction that the bulk of it’s citizens and populace totally ignore history and human nature as completely irrelevant to them. They see no reason to understand history outside of the revisionist pap being taught in every public school about how rotten this nation was at it’s foundation.
They do not care that the Republic has been fundamentally transformed into a despotic tyranny of which they are comfortable. As long as Breads and Circuses are constantly maintained, it does not matter which emperor the factions clamor for: Caligula or Nero, Trump or Hillary – the end-result is exactly the same: ruins. Willfully discarded by their own people for the empty promises of hope, change and greatness by those whom intend to rule, rather than govern.
The following essay opines that the best-case scenario for America at this point, is the fate of Rome.
The Rest…HERE