The government is working to ban self care, as regulations on self defense and natural healing become insane
by: J. D. Heyes
Wednesday, March 30, 2016
For decades, governments in the West – supposed democracies, all – have been working to steadily deprive citizens of some basic rights, including self-defense and the ability to choose their own kind of medical treatment. As we move further into the 21st century, this trend does not appear to be reversing anytime soon.
‘Leave personal safety and self-defense to us’
In recent days, the U.S. Supreme Court tossed out a ruling by a Massachusetts court which stated that so-called stun guns are not considered firearms under the Second Amendment, thereby upholding a statewide ban for private citizens. Seems that in Massachusetts, even non-lethal self-defense is not allowed.
The nation’s highest court, however, sided with a woman who said that she carried a stun gun to protect herself from an abusive ex-boyfriend. Reuters reported further:
“The court, in an unsigned ruling with no dissents, ruled in favor of Jaime Caetano, who in 2011 was arrested for possession of a stun gun in violation of a state law banning such weapons. The ruling provided a victory, at least temporarily, for gun rights advocates.”
The case now goes back to the Massachusetts Supreme Court for further review, but as Reuters noted, the U.S. Supreme Court, in referencing its 2008 District of Columbia v. Heller decision affirming that the Second Amendment confers an individual’s right to keep and bear arms, rejected the proposition “that only those weapons useful in warfare are protected.”
Self-defense is a basic human right, but apparently not in Massachusetts. Or Britain.
The Rest…HERE