Jade Helm 16 Is Training to Withhold Food From the American People
Dave Hodges
30 Mar, 2016
Jade Helm is back and it is back and it is back with a vengeance. Jade Helm 15 has morphed into Unconventional Warfare Exercise 16 (UWEX 16).
UWEX 16 is about fighting a civil war against rogue American troops who will, presumably, not go along with the imposition of tyranny under the banner of the UN flag with the complicit support of foreign troops.
There is a new twist to Jade Helm 16 (i.e. UWEX 16).
I have learned from reliable sources that Jade Helm 16 is also about controlling the shipment of all food. If one thinks this sounds outrageous, stay tuned, because the circumstantial evidence clearly points in this direction.
I received this email on Friday, Feb. 5, 2016.
To the staff of The Common sense show:
My cousin is deployed in Army Spec. Ops at Ft. Bragg. He is going to be expected to take part in guerrilla warfare drills against rogue military forces. After arriving at Ft. Bragg, he was still permitted to leave the base. We live in Texas and drove to meet him. When we went to lunch. he had all of use leave our cell phones in the car and we walked a block to eat dinner. He said that they were beginning to receive briefings about taking on rogue military units in a guerrilla war scenario. He assumes they are American military units, but they were not told that when he was presented with their newly created training specs.
He has a role in this exercise, but I will not reveal the nature, as we do not identify him. He said he is being moved from Ft. Bragg to another base that has not yet been identified. He suspects that it is in the area because their deployment gear remains the same. He told us that he fears the drill could go live for many reasons…
I first reported on Jade Helm 16 (i.e. UWEX 16) last fall. I resurfaced the issue in February 2016. Nobody seems to care, nor do the want to hear about it. However, recent revelations may begin to get the attention of the American people. The following, however, may get your attention.
The Rest…HERE