Daesh Nuclear Attack ‘Not Far-Fetched’ as Experts Predict
Recent terror attacks in Paris and Brussels have led to fears that Daesh, also known as IS/Islamic State, could obtain a dirty bomb capable of casualties on a massive scale. While many experts have dismissed these fears as farfetched, a Harvard researcher now considers it a very real possibility.
Since Daesh declared its caliphate in 2014, a number of anomalous incidents have occurred at nuclear power plant sites across Belgium. In August, a worker at Doel-4 drained a nuclear reactor valve, causing $100 million in damage. A worker from the same facility later left the country to join Daesh in Syria.
In the wake of the recent Brussels attacks, authorities discovered that the bombers were in possession of surveillance footage of an expert at the SCK-CEN nuclear research facility. In another incident, a security guard at Belgium’s national radioactive elements institute was found murdered.
Taken together, these incidents point to a terrorist group’s interest in either causing a nuclear meltdown or obtaining nuclear material to make a dirty bomb.
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