Trump hits record high in new poll with 48 percent of Republicans backing him for White House nomination
Donald Trump received his highest polling numbers yet in the NBC/SurveyMonkey poll that came out today
Trump saw an increase of three percentage points in a week’s time
Nearly two-thirds of Republicans believe he should be the nominee if he wins a plurality, simply winning the most delegates
By Nikki Schwab, U.s. Political Reporter
29 March 2016
Donald Trump is slowly but surely getting more Republican voters comfortable with the concept of him being the GOP nominee.
A new NBC News/SurveyMonkey poll that dropped this morning shows that 48 percent of Republicans are now supporting the frontrunner – a record high for this survey – with 27 percent standing behind Texas Sen. Ted Cruz and 18 percent selecting Ohio Gov. John Kasich.
All three candidates saw a slight boost in support, likely coming from previously undecided Republican voters and those who were once supporting Florida Sen. Marco Rubio before he dropped out on March 15.
Before today the highest number Trump had received was 47 percent support in a CNN/ORC poll that came out earlier this month, according to Real Clear Politics.
Another survey, by the organization YouGov, had Trump at 53 percent in mid-March, though that poll isn’t used to tabulate the respected Real Clear Politics polling average.
Not only did Trump see a slight bump in the numbers – he’s up 3 percent this week – but a majority of Republicans are now saying they believe he should get the nomination if he’s ahead in the delegate count.
Right now Trump has, by the Wall Street Journal’s account, 274 more delegates than Cruz, giving him a commanding lead in the race to 1,237 delegates.
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