The Deadly Secrets the Elite Are Hiding-The Serial Adulteries of Cruz Are a Distraction
Dave Hodges
29 Mar, 2016
>Fact # 1: The defining issue of this campaign is the loss of American jobs through free trade agreements.
Fact # 2: The secondary issue of the campaign is illegal immigration
The creation of the alleged infidelities of Cruz is a brilliant strategy by the criminal elite. It takes attention off of Cruz as a supporter of the number one reason behind our growing unemployment rate. More importantly, it takes attention off of the core issues to an awakening populace. The Cruz marriage is a sacrificial lamb to the distractions desired by the New World Order who does not want America to obsess on root causes of the subjugation of the middle class.
We are headed for civil war and elite don’t want you discussing these issues.
The distraction of the alleged Cruz affairs is the topic of the following 13 minute presentation where I tell you why you should not be distracted by this issue.