Jim Willie: Chinese Replace US Swift Banking System, Hastening US Dollar Collapse
In the following video, Dr. Jim Willie Joins Pitchfork Radio for another 2 hours of incredible background into the current worldwide economic upheaval unfolding right before the eyes of anyone smart enough to ignore the nonsense coming out of the Mainstream Media. If only for a moment, Dr. Willie begins with a bit of a softer tone than his usual brash approach to things. He admits that because the US Dollar has become SO toxic, and it’s having such an effect on world markets, that all the interviews he’s been doing are really wearing him out. Explaining to large audiences that they’re about to lose their life savings is harder than he makes it sound, and that accounts for a lot of the joking that he does and the sarcasm that he uses.
As Dr. Willie has said before, we are entering the stage of collapse he calls “The Quickening,” named after a term borrowed from the Highlander movie series and televisions series. To better understand the analogy:
The lead cast member of the television series, Adrian Paul, explained, “The Quickening is the receiving of all the power and knowledge another immortal has obtained throughout his/her life. It is like the receiving of a sacrament or a massive orgasm.” The series producers stated, “The power of the Quickening is the equivalent to a major electrical storm hitting—windows explode, lights short circuit, it is almost as if the victorious Immortal is in the center of a lightning storm.”
After a light introduction, Dr. Willie dives right in and begins with the topic of Iran. He says thanks to Obama pushing so hard for the sanctions on Iran to be lifted as part of his notoriously bad nuclear deal, Iran is a superpower in the making. Even worse, they are partnering up with other U.S. foes including China and Russia. As further proof that we are witnessing the end of the US Dollar as the World Reserve Currency, Dr. Willie begins screaming about how just recently, Russia and China announced that they will no longer be conducting ANY trade in U.S. Dollars. Not only that, the Chinese have developed a system over the last two years that has allowed them to break away from the SWIFT system. Why is that important to know?
The Rest…HERE