Frankenfood industry now in total panic over Vermont’s tough GMO labeling law; General Mills announces surrender
by: Jennifer Lea Reynolds
Tuesday, March 29, 2016
In order to comply with Vermont’s GMO food labeling law set to go into effect in July 2016, General Mills has announced that they’ll begin to label products of theirs which contain genetically modified ingredients. The company’s decision also comes in the wake of the recent Senate vote that struck down the DARK Act’s efforts which would have kept GMO labeling laws at bay and consumers unaware of what they’re feeding their children. That Senate vote took place on a Wednesday; by Friday that same week, General Mills announced their labeling plans.
Yes, indeed, it would appear that the Frankenfood industry is finally shaking in their boots, responding as they should have been all along. As more and more health-conscious Americans are demanding to know what goes in the foods they eat, questionable food practices and the mega industries that churn them out are finally taking action.
It’s taken quite a bit of arm twisting to do something that frankly shouldn’t even be given a second thought, but at least steps are being taken that demonstrate the power of the people when they remain persistent in their right-to-know efforts. Granted, there’s still a long way to go, but it’s refreshing to see companies coming out of the woodwork to keep the health of their customers in mind, rather than only latch on to whether or not it will make them mega bucks.
Details behind General Mills’ decision
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