ISIS(ICIA) plotting 25 terror attacks on Britain as MI5 says it’s ‘not a case of if but WHEN’
MI5 and British counter-terror police are tracking as many as 25 serious ISIS terror attack plots threatening to cause carnage on Britain’s streets, it has been revealed
Mon, Mar 28, 2016
Security officials are tracking up to 50 British jihadists 24 hours a day with “intense scrutiny” amid fears they could be about to unleash a wave of terror in Britain.
The terrifying claims by intelligence sources come as a former British intelligence officer admitted it was “a case of not if but when” ISIS terrorists strike at home.
MI5 is tracking the plots by “hardcore jihadists” but are struggling with limited resources.
The counter-terror officers are working around the clock to prevent an attack on the scale of Paris or Brussels taking place in Britain.
Investigators fear “sleeper cells” could be awaiting orders at a moment’s notice to carry out plots.
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